In memory of

Milo "low"

May 1990 - October 1997


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Milo - 13 pound Male Grey Manx Tabby Cat - LOVED to "Roll Over" on command ( he was taught this trick as a baby and did this whenever anyone came over to our house or if he was getting into trouble or wanted a little attention from the owner ) Everyone thought this was so cute! Was an outdoor kitty for awhile but his privledges were taken away when he was found several times "laying" in the middle of the street and angry motorists would be honking at him to move out of the way ( no fear of cars whatsoever! ) Milo had a favorite kitty aerobics toy and the only way we could get him to "come home" after being outdoors, was to tap the handle of his toy on the outside of the door and wherever he was, he would come running home! LOVED Wrist watches and taught his baby brother Spotmeister how to "steal" them from the owner while the owner was showering or sleeping - Was very persistent on getting attention and if he was laying on the bed in "your" spot, he would not move over! Even if you had moved him over to another area, he would be back moments later and just lay himself down right on you! LOVED his baby brother Spotmeister, even when Milo was in the catbox doing his "thing" Spotmeister would waste no time and come running over, jump on the box and with Milo's head poking out, Spotmeister would "Bap" him on the head with his paws several times ( even though Milo was annoyed and concentrating ) then would run away just as Milo got done! Of course Milo would just "ignore" Spotmeister since this was almost a daily ritual! LOVED bird-watching and chattering his teeth at the birds to scare them away. Sometimes though, when Milo didn't get his way, he would start "growling" - which was cute too! Milo was a very good big brother to Spotmeister and always found new and inventive ways to do things with him! VERY affectionate cat who loved life!

Milo was loved and will be missed by us!

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