About Shagmeister font

The Shagmeister

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Born: June-18-94 in San Jose, California which is also the Capital of Silicone Valley. Yeah Baby Yeah!

>^. .^< >^. .^< >^. .^< >^. .^< >^. .^< >^. .^< >^. .^

Characteristics: 12 lbs - A smashing Male American groovin Shorthair Red Mackerel Tabby (Did you know that the word Tabby means the decoration on our coats and not the breed?Groovy baby yeah! ) You can be a MANX kitty, like my brother Milo and still be a Tabby (Milo was a Silver Mackerel Tabby Manx) - I have bright psychedelic Orange hair with very farout stripes all over my body! Smashing baby yeah! - There are 4 different varieties of Tabby's and on the Tiger stripped variety (such as myself) you will notice we all have the "M" marking on our foreheads (I used to think Milo "stamped" it on my forehead when I was a baby, but now I think that maybe it stands for "Mackerel" hehe) - I have bright Yellow eyes - LOTS of freckles on the nose! Even MORE freckles inside the mouth and eyelids and on the paws - I think I may need Orthodontia too cause I have this silly little space between my two front teeth! Groovy Baby!

Adventures & Daily life: Chasing invisible mice and eating spiders, ants and other little bugs that I can find (once tried to eat a baby frog and was given the Heimelich maneuver to dislodge the frog, no one told me I wasn't "supposed" to eat it!) - I LOVE getting into mischief (once summoned 911 on the owners phone by accident, my owner "denied" it when the cops came to our pad, and boy were they upset cause the phone was off the hook and no one knew until later that "I" did it! hehe) Another time, the owner's computer manual was "found" in the cat box (lite reading I suppose) Smashing baby yeah! Going on "adventures" with his best buddy Milo -------------> Logging on to AOL on the Chat With the Pro's Chat forum (link only available if you subscribe to America Online, sorry) where my owner/Web-mistress is a Chat room host on Sunday evenings (click to see AOL chat schedules) There's also this CatCam website which is pretty cool, it has a live cam update every 10 minutes - who knows, you may see some of the groovy resident cats getting a bite to eat (which is pretty often!) Check it out, its pretty good! Groovy baby!

Likes: Likes to sleep on the owners head - likes being given a body massage - Shiatsu - style - likes tummy rubs and face rubs - Likes to be used as a "kitty dumbbell" when the owner wants to do "bicep curls" - Likes watching the scenery outdoors from the sliding glass window and "swinging it" for the neighborhood cats - Swing it baby yeah! Likes "Batting" around cat food on the kitchen floor and seeing how far it will go - Likes to bird watch - Likes Shoelaces - Likes stalking "feet" under the blankets - Likes "burrowing" under the comforter - Likes trying to "Turn over the food dish" when it's empty, or putting teeth marks in the food container (to really emphasize hunger) Likes watching the t.v show Dharma & Greg, General Hospital & 20/20 - Likes to "MEOW" - Likes Wrist Watches - Likes to sit on the owners lap while "surfing the net" - can ya dig it?

Likes the comic strip PC & Pixel, Pixel came by recently and she even signed my guestbook! Shagadelic fun baby!

Dislikes: Baths, Cheese, unless it's cream cheese Traveling in a car - New surroundings - Vacuum cleaners - Any loud noises  I don't like to be"kept waiting" (dinner time or any time food is being offered or not offered) - Ironing boards opening and closing (makes a loud scary noise) Squirt bottles (the obvious!) Pet carriers (too scary, usually it means going to the Vets for shots) I don't like "garbage trucks" on garbage pickup day (again, the s c a r y noise) - Bologna & hot-dogs (scary contents) "Stay away from me you lazy eyed psycho!" My owner cracks up cause everytime I am given Bologna or hot-dogs, I would start "scratching" on the ground trying to cover it up! (reminds me of what should have been left in the catbox!) "Hey, how 'bout a courtesy flush here"                   

Favorite Food: Fancy Albacore Tuna - NutriMax cat  food - Cream cheese - Fish sticks Creating "Virtual desserts" on my master computer - Did "someone mention Crab meat???  " I want Chicken, I want Liver, Meow mix, Meow mix please deliver! "                 

Favorite Toy: ANYTHING  that shakes it baby!  Kitty aerobics toy - Anything "styrofoam" LOVES dried flowers ( they look like toys?)  & occasionally the real kind  (when I can get to them!) Shagadelic fun!

Favorite Tunes:



Mickey Thomas &  STARSHIP


Personality: Shy at first, LOVES to cuddle, VERY chatty and loves to talk at all hours - very "vocal" when you are eating any kind of food  Purrs all the time! " I'm having trouble conTROLLING THE VOLUME OF MY VOICE!!!!!!! Good at "osmosisizing" and taking away all the stress of daily living     

Nicknames: Mackie - McIntyre - Spot - Meatloaf  (his name was McIntyre at birth) Will answer to "almost" any name if there's "food" involved, especially when there's food involved!

Siblings: Sadie - 13 + year-old black Manx cat (the very grumpy kitty) ohhhhhhhh behave!

Milo - gray Manx cat (past away in October, 1997 - was 7 years old and my best buddy)

This page © Copyright 1998-1999,2000,2001 
Spotmeister - Legal info regarding copyright/warning/disclaimer

Last Updated: 05/18/01 08:26:31 PM

swing it baby yeah!







Hi there baby! I'm PIXEL - Click on me to go to my webpage!

©1999 Tak Bui  PC & Pixel comix