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The "Truth" about CATS ( no dogs ) - Strange & Bizzare Cat tales / stories -

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Scaredy Cats

About 12 years ago I was living with my parents in Goodyear, Ariz. and attending Glendale Community College. One night I woke up from a very disturbing nightmare. (I don't remember much about it except that I woke up saying the 23rd Psalm to myself.) Once I shook myself out of sleep, I decided to head into the kitchen for a glass of water. When I got there, my mother was sitting at the table. She had had a nightmare, too. Her's had something to do with a "monster" trying to get in the house through a door in the floor and her trying to keep it out. Anyway, I went back to bed. The next morning things seemed normal. Until everyone left except me and my mother, that is. I was getting ready for school and my mother was getting ready to go shopping. All of a sudden we heard the cats start screaming in the garage and things began banging off the garage walls so hard that it shook pictures on the inside of the house. (a mother cat and her five or six kittens were sleeping in the garage). We lived surrounded by cotton fields and I assumed that a gopher or a snake had gotten in the garage and was scaring cats. When I opened the door all of the cats, including the mother, ran frantically into the house. I stood there looking for a second, and then something began howling in the garage -- I'm not making this up! It was a medium to high pitched howl that sounded...well, hollow. After one or two seconds it stopped. My mother and I both heard it. We didn't know what it was. I thought maybe some type of larger rodent or something was hurt in the garage. So, I grabbed a baseball bat and went in to see what it was. My mom stood holding the door. Nothing, nothing at all, was anywhere in there. Then my mom said -- "Quick, look at the cats." I went back inside. The cats were in the hall. The kittens were gathered around the mother and the mother was following something with her eyes on the ceiling above. Something I could not see. She was pawing at the air, but not hissing or anything. Suddenly, one of the kittens began crying and spinning quickly around on the floor. The mother cat sprang on it, and started biting it. All of the other cats ran into my bedroom. I knocked the mother cat off and shoved the kitten into a nearby bathroom. The mother ran into my bedroom and then all of the cats ran out and hid in different places in the living room. I went into my room and the ceiling fan was on. It was not on earlier. That was enough for my mom. She said "Get me out of here. Take me to your grandmother's." We went straight to the kitchen. My mom walked over to the kitchen table to get her purse and I was digging through a drawer at the other end of the room looking for my keys. My mom said "Stop trying to scare me." I asked what she was talking about. She said, "You just breathed down my neck." I said I didn't and then suddenly I heard someone breath loudly behind me and then chuckle. My mom heard it, too. We practically ran to the car. After we got to my grandmother's house, I began to feel a bit foolish. So I told my mom I was going back. She wouldn't go with me. When I got home. Everything seemed basically normal except the cat I pushed into the bathroom was still there, soaked to the bone and smelled terrible. The other cats were also still hidden. I covered the wet cat with a towel and walked into the living room to watch television. After a few minutes all of the other cats came out of hiding and crowded around me. For the rest of the day, they wouldn't leave my side. In fact, they would follow me where ever I went so closely that I had to shuffle my feet to keep from stepping on them.

Well, that's all that happened. Thankfully, nothing has happened since, and I sincerely hope it doesn't. Like I said, I don't really understand what was going on, but I definitely didn't like it. If you have any thoughts about what it could have been, drop me a line.

Story submitted by jrose@commlinks.com




Last Updated - 05/18/01 03:24:53 PM

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