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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What types of House Plants are poisonous to Cats?
  2. What types of Garden Plants are poisonous?
  3. What are the symptoms of poisoning?
  4. Steps to take when your Cat needs emergency care
  5. Prevention - keeping Cats away from poisonous plants

Here is a list of Poisonous House Plants



Oleander ( usually fatal; cats highly attracted to it )




Pine needles

Dumb cane (Diefenbachia)

Jerusalem Cherry



Sheep laurel


Elephant Ear (Caladium)

Crown of thorns




English ivy

Also, flower bulbs such as :




Amaryllis ( will upset a cat's digestion but will probably do no serious damage.)

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List of Poisonous Garden plants








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The Symptoms of a poisoning

Observe if your Cat starts displaying any strange symptoms such as:

Lethargy - weak and like in a "drugged" state

Confusion - doesn't recognize you or is agitated

Excessive Sleepiness or Grogginess

No Appetite or is Throwing up his food

Loud Cries and Coughing up

Although there may be other symptoms and these may not be directly related to poisoning, if you think your Cat has ingested anything poisonous, call your Vet immediately. Anything unusual or different about your Cats behavior should also be noted. Don't take any chances and always check with a Vet - It is better to be safe and have your Cat checked than waiting long before symptoms get worse.  Cat usually will not express pain outwardly like humans and sometimes its hard to tell what's going on.


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Getting Emergency care

If you suspect your Cat may have ingested a poisonous plant, call your local Veterinarian right away.  If one is not available or if it is after business hours, take your Cat to an Animal Emergency facility ASAP!  If you know what your Cat has eaten, take a sample of it with you so the Vet can identify the treatment necessary.  Do not try any home remedies ( such as aspirin, which can be fatal when administered improperly ) unless instructed to do so by the Vet.  Most of all, try not to panic and make your Cat as comfortable as you can.  You may need to put your Cat in a carrier ( for your own safety as Cats under stress may bite or scratch you unintentionally ) And remember, PREVENTION is the BEST way against any future mishaps.

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If you must have poisonous plants in your household ( such as Mistletoe and Poinsettia during the holidays ) make sure they are HIGH up where your cats cannot get to them!  Better yet, find other decorations or ways to spruce up your holidays without these deadly plants.  Pine Needles from a Christmas tree is also poisonous if ingested - however your cats probably wont like them because of the sharpness, but they will probably take more to climbing the tree when you are away - just make sure the tree is secure and that you turn the lights off when you leave.  Cats are always going to be curious so you must make sure there is no danger of the tree tipping over or the cat getting tangled up in the tree decorations - if you can arrange it, put your Xmas tree in the corner of the room or at least where one side is near a wall.  Also, if you are not going to be away for long, put your cat ( and the catbox and food/water ) into another room until you get home. Just be sure there's plenty of ventilation and that its only for a short period of time.  If you see your cat getting near the tree, scold it gently so that they will know that it is off limits to them.  Contrary to popular belief, cats will remember what is okay and what is not, if done properly. The key is consistency!

Here are some related LINKS to Cat websites:

Cat Resources & Related LINKS - TONS of different links! <---- click here

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